Nadine Cino

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On this episode, I speak with Nadine Cino, who drew on her experience in design to develop a sustainable, cost-effective moving box and system called Tyga Box. She’s now turning her attention to solving the next set of problems because of COVID -- ones that she hopes will save lives.
Nadine came up with the idea for more sustainable moving boxes when she was attempting to move her design consultancy business. She and her husband, Marty cofounded the company together and have now expanded what they offer via Tyga Tracks, a system to track all sorts of things, including their boxes.
The idea for Tiga Box came about when moving companies pointed out that they needed something different than the traditional throwaway cardboard box. They got to work building and designing reusable boxes and invented a new kind of dolly to help movers, move things quicker.
Nadine continues to look for problems to solve, seeing them as opportunities to get to work. On the podcast, she shares her challenges of developing viable businesses that are both cost-effective and environmentally sustainable, as well as her latest idea for pivoting to a business that addresses the needs in the time of COVID-19.
Now, let’s get better together
Actions to Try or Advice to Take
- See problems as opportunities. Most successful inventions are created to solve a pressing problem.
- Believe in your vision, even if the world doesn’t. The world will eventually catch up.
- See how you might adopt other ideas to apply to the problem you’re trying to solve.
- Keep your perspective. While it’s great to have passion for your work, keep in mind that in most cases, the world won’t end if we fail.