Jerod Morris

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On this episode, I speak with Jerod Morris. Jerod is a podcaster, entrepreneur, and all-around awesome community organizer. I met Jerod as a member of The Unemployable Initiative which is a place to build your perfect business in a community of like-minded people and expert coaches. Jerod runs it along with Brian Clark of Copyblogger fame for those of you who are Gen-Xers like me.
Jerod and I cover a lot of ground about how to be productive while working from home and for yourself. The real cool thing is how he got to be working with Brian Clark as well as how his podcast has evolved over time. We talk about the power of community and the best ways to build an audience and the value of an audience that finds what you do helpful and valuable.
If you’re wondering how to build great online communities, then Jerod is your guy. The unemployable initiative is a master class in how to build a community and give those community members value as well as a sense of belonging. Community building has always been important. It’s now even more important in a world with all these digital distractions. We also talk about the four things that’s important for a podcast to do as well as the three reasons someone listens.
I’m always fascinated about how people come to do what they do. Jerod’s journey is fascinating and filled with all sorts of great lessons and insights about how to take your own path -- all while serving a community.
Now, let’s get better together.
Actions to Try or Advice to Take
- Unemployable people are folks that can get a job but choose not too. These people tend to be solopreneurs and creatives who want to do their own thing.
- Prioritize what’s important by thinking about what’s the most important 3 things to get done today. Be ruthless on what’s important.
- Communities matter and belonging is the most important part of being a community member.
- Have a level of self-compassion if things don’t always go according to plan. Your plans might not always work out. Be able to change.
- Find things to do that build momentum.
- Allow the day to flow as it flows. Each day is its own thing.
- If you’re on a roll, get the minimum done so you have a place to start when you get back to it.
- How will this community help me get better? That’s the question to ask.
- A sense of belonging is what keeps people around in the long term.
- How can I be helpful, useful, and valuable? Then, how can I take it to the next level of belonging?
- Four important things for a podcast: Authentic, Useful, Sustainable (show up over time), and profitability, which does not mean money.
- People come to a podcast for three reasons: Education, Inspiration, and/or Entertainment.
Links to Explore Further
- Jerod’s Linked In
- A podcast about IU Basketball Assembly Call
- A community for those that seek their own path Unemployable
- A better way to think with Thinkers Notebook