Greg Marcus

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Today on the podcast, I have a conversation with Greg Marcus. Greg and I have known each other for the better part of ten years. Greg is one of the most thoughtful and introspective people I know. I always love talking to him about life. Currently, he’s studying to be a Rabbi after a career in biotech that left me struggling to find balance. His website, American Mussar, is a great resource for the Jewish self-help tradition of Mussar.
Greg talks about the soul traits of Mussar and why the goal is never to be at extremes -- it’s all about balance. Our discussion goes deep into the various spiritual traditions and some of the things people can do today to strive towards balance. His approach to life always gives me the inspiration to strive for balance in my own life. Greg’s Molecular Biology background is relevant to what we’re going through right now and he gives us some ways to determine what might information to trust.
I think the best part of our conversation was around how to handle stressful situations, like what we were going through when we recorded this episode. Greg’s approach is kind, considerate with a little kick in the rear to challenge you to be your best self. He wants to reach out to those of all faiths but in particular, the people who identify as Jewish but don’t participate in the religion.
I always find these discussions about the deeper meanings of life to be the ones that change me for the better. We’re all a work in progress and Greg’s approach to life and American Mussar gives us the tools to strive to be our best selves.
Now, let’s get better together.
Actions to Try or Advice to Take
- So often a crisis in one’s life turns into a turning point. The hope is that you can not have a crisis to turn yourself around.
- Mussar teaching you how to look inside and strive to achieve balance and healing.
- Mensch: A person of integrity and honor.
- Listening is the greatest gift you can give someone.
- Mussar is not just for Jewish people. About a third of Greg’s email list is non-Jewish.
- Greg’s approach has had mixed feelings -- like so many “entrepreneurs” trying to change the status quo.
Links to Explore Further
- Greg’s website American Mussar and LinkedIn
- Busting Your Corporate Idol
- The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions