About The Show

Thanks for taking the time to checkout the podcast. This page contains everything you'll need to know about the show if you want to be a guest.
Big Idea
The show is all about how to build a more ethical, inclusive, and resilient world by educating and inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs.
What we mean by the next generation of entrepreneur can be anyone from 18 to 80 that wants to give being an entrepreneur a try.
The audience for the show is mostly the next generation of entrepreneur that wants to understand the challenges and struggles of being an entrepreneur.
They love to hear about Actionable Insights that our guests can give them so they can not make the same mistakes.
We like to think that our audience is a little ahead or a little behind of our guests since we talk to all sorts of entrepreneurs.
Ideal Guest
Our ideal guest has the following traits, values, and beliefs
- Has started and is currently running a products or SaaS company
- Like to share insights about their journey
- Has a giving back mentality.
- Has interests outside of business and entrepreneurship that guide their lives
Show Format
Interviews last anywhere from 40-50 minutes. The style is conversational like we're getting to know each other over coffee.
There is only one consistent question that gets acts at the beginning of the show:
Tell us how you got to do what you're doing today
The rest of the interview is dictated by the answer to the first question.
Podcast Details
Listen Notes Score
Ahrefs Site Ranking

Apple Podcast Ratings

Promotion + Show Metrics
All episodes show notes pages are promoted to Twitter and LinkedIn. We promote the pages, as opposed to the Apple or Spotify feeds because we want to build traffic to the site.
Twitter Audience

LinkedIn connections are over 2,500. This platform gets the most interactions.
Each episode performs differently, depending on the guest and topics. Since we promote the show notes page, we do get folks listening right on the site as well as organic traffic after the episode release.
In general, the average download per episode is 30 with direct and organic page views adding another 20 or so.