Mark McGuinness

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Today I talk with Mark McGuinness who hosts the 21st Century Creative Podcast, where he interviews creatives and entrepreneurs of all types, because in this day and age, “there's a lot more opportunity for creatives and a lot fewer excuses for playing small.” Mark’s also a poet who finds that poetry helps him relate to the creative struggles his clients face.

I have known Mark for the better part of ten years and at one point, he was my creative coach.

He has authored several books, including 21 Insights for 21st Century Creatives and Productivity for Creative People.

Mark has always wanted to find out a way to make a living helping others, first through hypnotherapy, and then through coaching creatives, years before the idea of a “life coach” was even heard of.

He now coaches entrepreneurs in creative industries who are well into their careers and are looking to further develop their potential.

Rather than holding his clients accountable, Mark explains, he makes a space for them and encourages them to enlarge their perspective, and most of all, helps them break through the wall of fear.

Mark believes there is more than one way to grow as both an entrepreneur and a creative and has found that working with a specific type of client, rather than trying to scale up his business, has worked well for him.

Mark also talks about the intimacy of podcasting and the importance of listening to feedback to make a podcast that the creatives who listen to him can respect and appreciate.

Now let’s get better together.

Actions to Try or Advice to Take

  • In order to sustain a business, you need to love your work. The best way to grow a business might not be the same for everyone.
  • Stop trying to play by the old rules. There are more opportunities than ever to build a successful creative career.
  • One thing McGuinness tells his clients is that some people might have slow, gradual breakthroughs, while for others it might be quick and intense. There’s no right way to grow as a creative. Find someone who can hold space for you to do so.

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